Tuesday, 2 March 2010

I'm back!

Well it's been a long time....I can't believe it's already March; maybe that's why I actually feel like writing ...the sun is out, it's not too cold and I didn't have to wrap a chunky scarf round my neck to keep warm. I even have the window to my office open..yay!

So what have I been up to in the last few months...hmmm...well, for one, my contract at my last work place ended and no they didn't try to extend it. I was a bit miffed but then actually realised that I wouldn't have wanted to stay. I'm surprised I stayed for 3 years, I'm usually bored by the end of the first year of any job if it's not eclectic enough. So...it was a bit scary not having another job to go to. Instead I thought I'd have a couple of months off to rest...and then start looking for something else.

I suppose God had other plans for me, because no sooner had I got my head around the concept of choosing to be unemployed, I was offered a job by another charity. Yes..I was actually head hunted:)...I would have been a fool to turn this opportunity down, so very happily took on the new job. So it's been just over a month and I'm loving it. The people are lovely and the job is great. It's in an area I'm interested in...health inequalities especially around black and minority ethnic communities. I'll probably be posting articles and reports I come across.

So, a new year, a new job and hopefully a new(ish) me...it's funny how you go through life and seem to 'forget' who you are...well I did..as Cheryl Cole nee Tweedy said in the L'oreal advert...'I got me mojo back'...so not only do I have this new job, I also decided it was high time to take a bit of me time and do something solely for myself. I can't remember the last time I did that. I've always loved henna painting so enrolled on an Ash Kumar course. http://www.ashkumar.co.uk/.
I've completed the foundation course and will be doing the intermediate and advanced levels in March and April...I'll post photos of my work which will hopefully improve as I practice and then who knows ..the sky's the limit as they say.

I'm also rethinking this blog and maybe making a bit more of an effort with it. I don't have any definite ideas yet, but lots of plans which I'm intending on following through.



  1. Ooooh I'm so excited for you mashallah!! About everything...the job, the Ash Kumar course (wow! I'm not usually tuned into this stuff, but even I know how cool that is!) finding your mojo, and the new blog look....please please keep it up...I love reading your stuff....

    I don't know if you'd noticed but your blog had been on my blogroll for months and then recently I took it off coz I thought you'd stopped writing or something. I'm so glad it's back! This time I'll make sure I pester you to write ;)

  2. Thanks Tam:) ...i'm definitely a bit more focused this year so hopefully will keep writing regularly..xxx
