Friday, 4 June 2010

RAHA International

I just wanted to raise awareness of a non-profit organisation based in Kenya called RAHA International. This organisation is as grassroots as you can get and I'm hoping that people who read this post, take some time to visit RAHA's website and look at the case studies.

RAHA was set up by three sisters Daksha, Nimi and Joshna Hirani a few years ago, but was officially registered in 2008. Nimi says that she was tired of seeing money being wasted by some charities and others providing aid in return for adherence to a particular faith; 'God for aid' she calls it. Instead, the Hirani sisters wanted RAHA to be simple, provide the basics,give people dignity and let people work it out themselves.

RAHA's main aim is to provide and facilitate access to education for young people who otherwise would not have been able to. Nimi who has a background in social medicine, drug, alcohol and HIV work says she benefited from the opportunities and choices having an education has given her. RAHA is raising funds not only for current students but what those who may come to them in the future for assistance.

Jeremiah's success
Jermiah Kangele will be an aeronautical Engineer in July. He was breaking stone at building sites when RAHA came accross him. RAHA helped his mum find a job and got him started on his course. He is a clever man who just needed a little support. He will feed his entire family once he finds employment.

For such a 'young' charity, RAHA is doing pretty amazing work and Nimi is adamant that administration costs will be kept to a minimum so that funds can go directly to those who most need the help.

For more information or to make a donation please contact

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