Monday 27 July 2009

Fizzy milk

so fizzy milk??? am gonna have to try this when it's available...not too sure I like the sound of it..if it's anything like a coke soda then yuk...

Where's the summer gone?

So this is a typical July in England...a bit of sun, a lot of rain, mixed with some cloud...apparently August is going to be a lot better...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....
The weekend went by really quickly, spent Saturday eating, watching a very short cricket match (43 runs to beat huh??), and eating some more...
Sunday was the last day of mother and daughter's club, so everyone brought in a dish..I made trifle and was worried no one would eat it..but hey ho, it went pretty quickly...

This week is lots of write ups, although I'm so not in the mood right now. Roll on December 31st...

Thursday 23 July 2009

Some of the things I'm interested in

The triple whammy

So, I came across this report on Muslim women in the U.K and why levels of unemployment are so high...I usually hate these kinds of reports but this one really struck a cord because a lot of what was being said, was stuff I've seen and heard a million times before...I mean, I grew up amongst women like these...and it used to drive me mad..the whole Asian Muslim mentality ...

The grand plan

So, what's this blog going to be about...hmmmmmmmm....things I'm interested in...arts, poetry, interior of course...I might post some recipes...hope to get some feedback on it and some ideas...I'll probably rant and rave about things that annoy noisy neighbours that do my head in, or pot holes, my endless hospital appts...blah blah blah

Something new

Well...not sure why I started this...boredom? Self expression? I dunno...
It's raining outside and I'm 'working'
This is my first post so just testing it all out!