Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Catch up

We have a new Con/Lib coalition in place and the country is thus far, still functioning as normal. David Cameron and Nick Clegg, or Davnick as I will now call them are positively in love with each other right now. Gone are the lovers' tiffs on television or during parliamentary question times; the election marriage and now subsequent honeymoon period have cemented (for now) the (doomed?) relationship. (Read into brackets what you will) what have Davnick got in store for us? Well apparently this is a new era in politics...I suppose it's the first time we've seen a co-alition like this so to an extent the statement rings true. However, I'm not sure how liberal policies can easily sit next to tory ones. Sure, they both agree on not having a third runway...hurrah...or I.D cards...again hurrah, but what about the real issues of transport and the real issues on civil liberties? Can this new era of politics deliver? Only time will tell...and what of the broken 'New Labour'...pff!!! Gordon has gone into hibernation (not difficult in the current climate) and now Ed and David are having their playground tiffs in front of the nation. Are we to expect a Blair/Brown type agreement? Will Ed Balls scupper their plans? Will John Mcdonnell rally his comrades and the unions to fight his corner? Exciting times ahead and difficult decisions to be made. I for one am back in 'lovish' with politics. It's a dirty game but as with that other game that is always in the news for being dirty (ask John Terry, Ashley Cole, Ribery etc), you don't have to play the whole 90 minutes, there are opportunities for spectacular own goals, extra time often yields surprises and it's all down to your skill and stamina...Let's see who lasts the distance.


  1. Good one! :)

    You voiced some of my recent thoughts.

    lol @ "Gone are the lovers' tiffs on television or during parliamentary question times; the election marriage and now subsequent honeymoon period have cemented (for now) the (doomed?) relationship." So true! But at least they are trying to assert their party identities by constantly wearing blue and yellow ties respectively! :P

  2. Tamreez:)..yup let's hope the single coloured tie doesn't go all stripey on was interesting to see Cameron in Paris talking about the Euro..I wonder what Sarkozy was thinking and writing:)...

    I think my worries are those of most others..economy and health being my top priorities...having said that, immigration is always wheeled out at election time, it's either a vote winner or a vote loser, depending on how right wing your policy is. I'm pretty sure if the Libdems had not spoken about an amnesty on illegal immigrants then they may have won more seats.
    I was also pretty annoyed at the statement on non eu immigrants..there is already a points based system for anyone coming for employment ..what is happening is the lumping together of different forms of immigration for political gain.

    Also on my worry list is the future of the NHS and expenditure. I'm probably one of the NHS's most loyal customers since I use it so much..and also work in the health and inequalities arena so see first hand how money can be mis-spent. I'm hoping they do get rid of useless quangos, but that they do their homework on local health care provision and funding of third sector grass roots organisations especially in the black and minority arena.
