Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Election 2010

I've resisted writing about the Election till now...and trust me, my fingers were itching to get typing; but resist I did until today. The eve of a new dawn...ok that's a bit over dramatic but for me anyway, this is the first time since the 1997 election which swept New Labour in, that I have actually felt like it matters. Yes, this election matters because a lot has changed since 1997, and a lot has changed since 2001 and 2005.

Now I'm not advocating a particular party because to tell you the truth, I'm still sitting on the fence. For the first time however I'm taking part in a local election which has both a bnp and National Front candidate. How sick? How horrific? what has happened to multi cultural Britain? How has this happened? I ask myself.

So yes, this election matters, because I will not sit by and let fascism creep in through the back door of disaffection. Politics is a dirty game if you want to play dirty. The expenses scandal is testimony to this. Unpopular wars have made foreign policy a hugely contentious issue alongside the dreaded subject of Immigration. A

Apparently, people are voting BNP because they feel like they're being ignored and it's all about the recession and housing. No it's not. It's because they're stupid and don't realise who and what they're letting in. So if you want to remain stupid and vote in nasty, violent fascists who pretend to be otherwise, then use your democratic right. But please don't say it's a 'protest' vote..if you want to protest, vote Green.

And for all those Muslims out there who say it's haraam to vote, well, the next time your road has pot holes, and the planning permission for your mosque is rejected, or funding for your local group/organisation gets cut, then blame yourself for not voting for a person you thought would represent you.

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